Thursday, April 10, 2008

Oral Arguments, Two Years Later

As I was in the library today writing the previous post, some first years I knew passed by. All the first years had a sort of tired look in their eyes, as they headed off to their oral arguments. That took me back to my own first year oral arguments. I was especially struck by this:

Craig and Carolyn were now quite sure that litigation is the path they would want to go. While I wouldn't say that I had quite that experience, I would say that I now at least am willing to consider litigation, where before I had been dead set on doing more transactional work.

Two years on, I've externed with both a Superior Court Judge and at the District Attorney's Office. I've taken Trial Advocacy and am currently preparing for my final trial for Advanced Trial Advocacy. In fact, oral arguments did get me psyched; I even tried out for the Byrne Trial Advocacy Team at the beginning of second year. My failure to make it to the second round certainly had something to do with changing my mind again about litigation; but my experiences beginning in June of last year have brought me back, and past, such that I am now pretty darn sure I'll be doing litigation.

Now, I just need to find a job.

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